
Painted concrete relief

Galeria Foksal, Warsaw / Poland


Untitled, 1987

Concrete relief

Sankt Olav’s galleri, Oslo / Norway


Untitled, 1987

Set of 14 concrete reliefs

Sankt Olav’s galleri, Oslo / Norway


Untitled, 1988

Set of 13 cast iron reliefs

Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw / Poland (2021)


Untitled, 1991

31 x 31 x 3,4 cm

Painted plaster relief

Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Trondheim / Norway (2022)


Untitled, 1995

Painted plaster

Galerija Jutempus, Vilnius / Lithuania


Untitled, 2008

45 x 212 x 49 cm

Five connected parts of dental plaster, own technique

Bomuldsfabriken kunsthal Arendal, Arendal / Norway (2023)


Untitled, 2010

58 x 36 x 33 cm / 53 x 28 x 33 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Collection Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo / Norway


Untitled, 2010

37 x 43 x 43 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Untitled, 2010

48 x 44 x 44 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Untitled, 2010

42 x 74 x 35 cm

Dental plaster, own technique


Untitled, 2012

31 x 21 x 2,5 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Trondheim Kunstmuseum (2022) Trondheim / Norway

Untitled, 2012

31 x 21 x 2,5 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Trondheim Kunstmuseum (2022) Trondheim/ Norway


Untitled, 2013

Dental plaster, own technique

Collection Galeria Biala, Lublin / Poland


Untitled, 2013

54 x 53 x 33 cm

Dental plaster, own technique


Untitled ,2014

45 x 20 x 30 cm

Dental plaster, own technique


Rocky Forest, 2012

75 x 46 x 48 cm (without plinth)

Dental plaster, own technique. Plywood, electric motor


Untitled, 2015

Dental plaster, own technique

Galeria Biala, Lublin / Poland

Untitled, 2010

Dental plaster, own technique

75 x 39 x 32,5

Collection Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo / Norway


Untitled, 2015

52 x 42 x 42 6 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Untitled, 2015

50 x 44 x 42 cm

Dental plaster, own technique


Untitled, 2015

56 x 52 x 54 cm

Dental plaster, own technique


Untitled, 2015

57 x 36 x 56 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Untitled, 2015

56 x 32 x 50 cm

Dental plaster, own technique


Untitled, 2015

Different dimentions

Braided metal carpets

Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Trondheim / Norway

Untitled, 2015

Braided metal carpet


Untitled, 2016

120 x 80 cm / 112 x 80 cm

Dental plaster, own technique

Untitled, 2016

Dentel plaster, own technique

Collection Galeria Foksal, Warsaw / Poland

Untitled, 2016

Dental plaster, own technique

Model for Oslo Kommunes kunstordning, Bergtunet barnehage, Oslo / Norway


Untitled, 2018

Tree root, wooden plinth